Successful Girls Empower the World

Successful Girls Empower the World

The Nike Foundation, known for its focus specifically on supporting education and success of adolescent girls released The Girl Declaration as a call to action - to assure that girls' needs are recognized and attended to, and to stop the cycle of poverty before it even begins.

Girls across the globe were asked what they needed to have in order to reach their potential, and the Foundation worked with dozens of the world's leading organizations that have valuable experience working with girls to develop the Declaration. The document provides its own goals and targets, and recommends the following five:

  1. EDUCATION: Girls reach adulthood with relevant skills and knowledge to participate in economic, social and cultural life.
  2. HEALTH: Girls have access to appropriate health services and possess the confidence to make healthy transitions to adulthood.
  3. SAFETY: Girls are free from violence and exploitation and are supported by enforced laws, child protection systems and their communities.
  4. ECONOMIC SECURITY: Girls can build and protect their economic assets and earn a safe income. Governments, communities and the private sector uphold girls' economic rights.
  5. CITIZENSHIP: Girls have equal access to services, opportunities, legal rights and personal freedom, and are able to fully participate as citizens of their communities.

All five of these goals and targets apply to Chrysalis' mission statement to invests in the safety, security, education, and empowerment of girls and women in our community. Take time to read The Girl Declaration report and be inspired to continue our dedication to empower women and girls.

Check out the video Nike Foundation produced summarizing why The Girl Declaration was created in 2014.